Sunday, July 5, 2015

Reckoning Event: Quick Summary

I just wanted to write quick summary of how the event for Reckoning was and where I finished.

There was a pretty solid turn out with all Warmachine factions being represented. Every one was friendly and event was really casual and lighthearted, which is what the event was supposed to be. With all that being said, I won the Convergence Faction coin as the Best player for the faction and I tied for first place overall. The winner was decided on a coin flip and the Khador player won the Reckoning faction coin. She would have won anyway but that is for the second of three battle reports I will be writing either tonight or tomorrow.

I want to thank 7th Dimension games in Jenkintown, PA for hosting the event. Here is a link to the store. I also have to give kudos to the players as the event was a lot of fun.

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