Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Reckoning Release Event

Privateer Press is having a release event for the upcoming Warmachine book, Reckoning! here is a short description of the event with a link to the details:

"This is a WARMACHINE-only event that features the Cygnar, Protectorate of Menoth, Khador, Cryx, Retribution of Scyrah, Convergence of Cyriss, and Mercenary armies. This event coincides with the release of WARMACHINE: Reckoning and allows players to earn Reckoning points over the course of the day in a casual, free-play environment.

Note: Event Organizers can allow HORDES armies in a WARMACHINE: Reckoning release event at their discretion, but players should note that the awards and rules for this event are designed for WARMACHINE. Be sure to check with your Event Organizer if you are considering playing a HORDES army in this WARMACHINE event."

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Father Lucant: Papa don't take no mess

"Papa didn't cuss / He didn't raise a whole lotta fuss" 

With the welcomed addition of a new daughter into the family, pi baby no less :P, I won't be able to stop by my local game shop in the near future, so I'll post about the Papa Lucant. QUEUE JAMES BROWN!!!