Friday, April 24, 2015

Warja...Vectors, interface and Induction

The Convergence of Cyriss have some great rules. they follow the standard rules that are a part of the Warmachine Warcaster and Battlegroup section of the rule book but they have a little extra. By little I mean HUGE! First lets talk about the Warjacks of the Convergence, also known by their proper name Vectors. The Vectors in the Convergence faction have two major differences from the standard Warjacks of other factions.

First is the Interface Node. Vectors have no MAT or RAT value printed on their card. Instead, the Interface Node ties these values directly to the Warcaster that is leading the battlegroup of your army. This rule means some Vectors work exceptionally well with specific Warcaster, while others don't. This completely changes how debuffs effect models in the battlegroup as well. Because the Vectors use the stats that are printed on the Warcaster's card, debuffs that lower MAT or RAT have no effect when they are applied to the vector itself (HUGE PLUS!!). The downside to this is when a debuff is applied to your Warcaster, it effects the entire battlegroup (HUGE DOWNER). The Interface Node also replaces the standard cortex of warjacks which also Vectors to ignore abilities like disruption or any other spell or ability that specifically calls out the cortex, that would shutdown other faction warjacks

Cipher Heavy Vector

The Second rule, and the most unique rule, is Focus Induction. Focus Induction is the envy of all other warmachine factions and has been called Focus 2.0. This rule stats, Once per turn during its activation, when a vector spends a focus point, you can Allocate a focus point to another Vector within 6" of one another. This is such a monster ability and a complete game changer. This really stretches the mileage of your Warcaster's focus. With proper placement and order of activation, a single focus can allow you to run every Vector in the army, boost the first shot from your Vectors and a lot more. This also means knowing which Vectors to activate in the proper order is the most important part of playing convergence.

Overall, understanding and how to maximize the Focus Induction rule is critical to winning with the Convergence of Cyriss.

Mitigator Light Vector

There is a third rule that is often over looked as it pertains primary to larger, two Warcaster games. Remote Reactivation. This allows a Warcaster to forfeit their action and reactivate an inert Vector that is within 6". the reason this is only for larger games is obvious, as losing a warcaster in a game usually means your opponent won. 

These rules define how the Convergence of Cyriss plays and is the key to winning games with the faction. This was also the driving force on why I choose to play the faction. Well that's all for now.

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