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The linchpin of the Convergence and Focus 2.0 |
The Corollary... There is a good reason why it takes planning to explain what this little Vector does. It is the Linchpin for the Faction and the reason the Convergence is considered to run on focus 2.0. This is also the hardest Vector to discussion but I'll give it a try. Let's look at the model in more detail.
I will summarize the Corollary's only weapon, which is it's body, in one word. Useless. it has no addition POW and just uses the STR of the corollary, which is 6. that's right, just 6. We don't need to say anything more about this. Now, let's look at the stats.
Like all Vectors in the Convergence of Cyriss, the Corollary has the Vector rules and it shares the MAT and RAT of its controlling Warcaster. Unlike other Vectors, the only parts of it's statline that really need to be focused on are SPD, DEF and ARM. It is the fastest Vector in the faction with a SPD of 6, meaning it out speeds and/or keeps up with all but one of the Warcasters in the faction. The Corollary suffer in the DEF and ARM stat to the point of having victim* stats and has a measly 17 damage boxes. This means you have to keep the Corollary in the back lines with your Warcaster, which is where he should be because of his special rules.
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Corollary Light Vector |
Now to the meat of the Corollary, the Special rules. The Special rule are what makes the Convergence stand out from other factions and if used correctly make your battlegroup and the faction one of the best in the game. Let's go over them:
- Accumulator [Warcaster] - When this model begin's it's activation within a few inches of the Warcaster, it is allocated a focus. This means that the corollary gains a focus point automatically and does not take away from the Warcaster's Focus pool. This is fantastic as it can free up a focus point for up-keeping a spell (as your Warcaster will have to spend a focus to upkeep a spell, but the corollary gains one for being near the Warcaster) or for storing focus. STORING FOCUS?!?
- Focus Battery - Unspent focus on this model can not be removed during the maintenance phase but the focus on the corollary count against the focus allocation rule. Extra focus? that's right. This means that if you use Focus Induction correctly you can bring the focus you used for running your vectors back to the corollary to use later. This is a powerful ability but that's not all.
- Power Transfer [* Action] - RNG 5. you can spend up to 3 focus from the Corollary to allocate up to 3 focus to target friendly warjack. This ability in conjunction with Focus Induction and the Focus Battery rule means your battlegroup can run better than any other faction if planned correctly. Freeing up to 3 focus from warcaster means the spell list of the Warcaster can be used to it's fullest, camped to make the Warcaster harder to damage or allow them to allocate focus to other Vectors in the battle group.
- Arcane Repeater - The Corollary extends the control area of the Warcaster by a couple inches if within 5 inches of the Warcaster. This gives Father Lucant a control area of 16 inches and Iron Mother Directrix an astonishing 18 inch control area (2 inches shy of the largest in the game if I am not mistaken). this allows the battlegroup to cover more of the map and can extend the range of all but one of the Convergence Warcaster's feats. With all these buff, it would seem like the Corollary is more of a Warcaster attachment then a Vector
- Attached To [ITS CONTROLLING WARCASTER] - ahh, this means the corollary is attached to one Warcaster for the rest of the game. having this rule means that the Corollary is a Light Vector and does not force it to become a unit with the Warcaster and can act independently from the warcaster.
With all the utility that the Corollary adds to the faction, you would think the Corollary would cost a ton of point, right? NOPE! the Corollary costs only 3 points. I repeat. just 3 points. Unbelievable!
There is, however, a downside to all this upside. Since the Corollary can hand out so much focus with Focus Battery and Power Transfer, and Focus induction being a part of all Vector, the downside is in the MAT and RAT of the Warcaster. You see, the Warcaster's share their MAT and RAT with the battlegroup, and since the battlegroup has focus to spare, the base stats all the Warcasters are calculated with this in mind. The RAT of a good ranged Warcaster in another faction is around 6-7 but the highest the RAT of any Convergence Warcaster have is 5. which hurts the Warcaster more than the Vectors of the Faction as you should have a focus point of your Vectors to boost a roll or two. The key would being, SHOULD.
The Corollary has such a strong tie to how the faction is played that it is almost taken in every list with the exception of a speedy Aurora list. To understand how important the Corollary is for the Warcaster and Focus Induction is to the Vectors, I will be writing a second part to the Corollary that will detail how Focus Induction plays a huge part in the faction and how the Corollary's abilities amply it, while also going over how best to use your battlegroup. I told you this would be a long. See you in The Corollary, Part 2: The Tactics.
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